
The Rebuilt Parish Podcast 11 - Reaching the Lost

In this episode we will look at the first core strategy of a Rebuilt Parish – reaching the lost. Healthy growing parishes are going to have the same concern for Lost People that Jesus did. In this episode we will look at steps you can take to create a church that is attractive to outsiders.

The Rebuilt Parish Podcast 10 - Three Core Strategies

Growing a healthy parish rests on three simple, but not easy strategies that any parish can employ. In this episode we will look at the core strategies that have driven the transformation of our parish and offer some action

The Rebuilt Parish Podcast 09 - Dealing with Offenses in Ministry

As parish staff workers we are going to get offended and hurt by others. Some offense will come through criticism from parishioners and others by staff members and volunteers. This episode looks at how to deal well with these offenses so we can last the long haul in ministry.

The Rebuilt Parish Podcast 08 - Why Missions Matter

Mission work or outreach to people outside our parish reminds us that the Church is to make an impact on the world. While as parishes we can get stuck in simply caring for members or creating programs for church people, the reality is that most people want to belong to something bigger than themselves. They want to be part of a church that is changing and transforming the world. In this episode, we will look at the basics of our missions program and give some practical steps for getting started in you parish.

The Rebuilt Parish Podcast 07 - Defining Moments

Life often comes down to a few defining moments that can set the course and direction of our whole life. Throughout the Scriptures, God uses key moments to get people on board his mission and purpose in the world. In this episode we will look at key ways to leverage moments in the weekend experience and on their spiritual journey.

The Rebuilt Parish Podcast 06 - Increasing Generosity

John Maxwell notes, “Where there is no vision the people perish. Where there is no money, the people perish.” Money is needed to do ministry and growing in generosity is absolutely need to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. In this episode we will look at some practical steps to help people grow their giving.